(c) Profile Systems Design Group, Inc. 2025 Build: 4.008.758 Help ID: 4056
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How to Find Topics
There are three tabs at the left side of the help file screen that can be used to find a topic: Contents, Index, and Search.
This is a hierarchy tree of all topics. Click the plus sign + next to a topic to expand it and see all the subtopics under that item. Click the minus sign - to collapse the topic and hide the subtopics. A topic may contain many layers of subtopics. This is the easiest way to explore functions in TransActPOS you may not be aware of or for finding a topic when you do not know what to search for.
This is similar to the index at the end of a reference book. All topics in the help file are listed in alphabetical order. You can type in a keyword to search for.
You can type in a keyword to search for. The index list jumps to the first instance of the entered keyword.
This is an open search field that lists every page containing the word you enter.
Help ID
Every page has a Help ID that is linked to its corresponding screen in TransAct. If you know the Help ID for a particular topic, type it into the Search field, and the corresponding help page is listed.
Alternatively, you can click Go to Help ID under Help of the Main Menu and enter the Help ID.
For more information on using a Help ID, see the video What is a Help ID.
You can also click the Help button at the top right of any screen to go directly to the help page for that screen.