(c) Profile Systems Design Group, Inc. 2025 Build: 4.008.757 Help ID: 3725
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How to Use the Help Center
The TransActPOS Help Center has a wealth of information to help you get through everything from a making a simple sale to rarely used one-off situations. The information generally follows the layout of the modules in TransAct. Below are tips to help you find the information you need, along with text features used to guide you.
The Help Center is laid out as a hierarchy with more detailed topics nested inside broader topics. Click the + next to a topic to show the topics within it, or click the - to hide them.
The Help Center is generally divided into three sections.
TransActPOS Overview
The first portion of the Help Center contains general information about the features of TransActPOS and navigating the system.
Module Help directly corresponds to the modules in TransAct. Within each module is a folder of related videos, courses to help you quickly understand how to perform the tasks in that module, topics corresponding to the module functions, and a folder of special topics. Special topics include unique cases and non-conventional uses of module functions.
This shows the topics leading to the current page. You can click each topic to jump to it. In this image, the General Tab is within the Inventory File, which is within the IC Module. Clicking Inventory Control Module jumps directly to that page in the Help Center.