(c) Profile Systems Design Group, Inc. 2025 Build: 4.008.760 Help ID: 4057
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Text Features
There are embedded links throughout the help file to let you jump directly to a related topic. Links are denoted by blue, underlined text. Click the link to go to the related topic.
Some topics may show pathways to closely related to topics in other sections of the help file. These pathways are denoted by a series of words separated by a pipe | .
Usually, these pathways refer to topics in the Module Help section, and the topics are listed from broadest to narrowest. The pathway may contain a link to take you directly to the topic.
Notes and Hints
Italics may be used to denote an anecdote or a helpful hint.
Buttons and Keys
Bold blue text embedded in a statement denotes buttons to click, keyboard keys to press, boxes to check, and tabs to click on within the system.
Alternate Versions
Alternate version or methods are denoted by a blue text block. They may be enacted by settings in Company Setup.