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Margin Master
Margin Master
This function allows the importing/exporting from Margin Master for Variable Price Control. The process is simple and is laid out on the screen.
Step 1:
Create a file for Margin Master from the ECatalog. Clicking the Create Export File button will allow you to choose a vendor. Once the vendor is chosen, the export file for Margin Master will be created.
Step 2:
Make changes within Margin Master and create a file for TransActPOS. Once the changes have been made and exported from Margin Master, clicking this button will look for the file "NewRetails.txt" in the C:\MarginMaster folder. If the system cannot find this file, it will let you know.
Step 3:
Return to this menu and import the price file created in Step 2. Once the file has been imported, click the Update ECatalog button to update the ECatalog with the information in the import file.