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Mercury Server Overview
The TransActPOS Mercury Server is the workhorse of automated background processes within TransActPOS.
Making sure that the TransActPOS Mercury Server is always running is the responsibility of the TA-Tug application.
TATUG is a Windows service located on the designated computer within Company Setup > Company Information page, Mercury Server logo.
Withn Mercury Server Settings screen, selecing the Set Tug Workstation will prompt the user to set the current workstation that will run TA-TUG. Responding Yes to the prompt will initiate TA-Tug at this workstation. If TA-Tag is running at another workstation, the system will automatically shutdown the TA-Tug that is operating elsewhere and restart on this workstation, the current TA-Tug workstation.
Once started, the TransActPOS TA-Tug icon will appear within the system tray. Remember to look within ^ "Show hidden icon",
if the TA-Tug icon,,does now appear within the system tray.
Only present on installations with the TransActPOS Rental module activated, the TransActPOS Rental Schduler is present and manages the distribution of the rental schdule to other workstation within the network. This module is automatically started by the coordinated efforts of TA-Tug and the Mecury Server. If the rental scheduler is closed manually, the appliction will be restarted automatically by the Mercury Server.