Options Tab 2

The Options 2 tab contains functions for manipulating the sales order and interfacing with the PO module.  Note that some functions may not be available in edit mode. The functions available for quotes are different from those of sales orders.  For information on quote functions, see Create Quote.

Options 2

Options Tab 2

Past Invoices/Payments

1. Past Invoices/Payments
You can view past invoices and payments that have been made on the order.  Select whether to view invoices or payments.
Here is an example of an invoices report:
Here is an example of a payments report:


2. Copy
This allows you to create a copy of an existing quote or sales order.  All information is copied as is but can be edited and saved as usual.
Upon clicking Copy, you are prompted to get the customer for the new order.  By default, the same customer is entered.  Click Accept to continue or Retry to select a different customer.
Select whether to create a quote or a sales order.
The sales order is copied to a new quote or sales order including the selected customer's information.  The originating sales order number is documented in the Comments field. 


3. Approve
If desired, you can require approval of sales orders.  To turn this feature on, check Sales Order - Approved option in System | Company Setup | Sales Orders 2
Upon clicking Approve, the order is marked Approved.
Options Tab 2
Clicking Approve again removes the approval.

Create POs

4. Create POs
You can create purchase orders directly for the items on the sales order.   For more information on creating POs from a sales order, see SO2PO Process.

Print POs

5. Print POs
You can print POs that have been created for items on the sales order.  Each PO is listed.  Check which POs to print or email, and click Proceed.
You are prompted to select a print format.
Each PO selected is printed or emailed.

Change Status

6. Change Status
You can change the status of the order to Open or Closed.  Note that, if the status is changed, the order is no longer searchable in Find Sales Order by the previous status.
The status is displayed on the sales order.