
Understanding Units of Measure and Factor

The assigned stocking unit of measure controls the transfer of the quantity of product from the "Source" item to the "Receiving" item.  Typically, the Source item has a larger stocking unit than the Receiving item.
The Unit of Measure, found within the IC | Support Files | Units of Measure, contains the factor. 
In this example, the Receiving item's stocking unit of measure is 1 OZ (Ounce) or .0625 of a LB (Pound), while the Source item's unit of measure is 1LB (Pound).
Understanding Units of Measure and Factor

Stocking unit of measure assigned to the 1 Ounce Item - the Receiving Item

1. Stocking unit of measure assigned to the 1 Ounce Item - the Receiving Item

Unit ID assigned for 1 Ounce SKU

2. Unit ID assigned for 1 Ounce SKU

The factor assigned to the 1 OZ unit of measure

3. The factor assigned to the 1 OZ unit of measure

Stocking unit of measure assigned to the 1 Pound Item - the Source Item

4. Stocking unit of measure assigned to the 1 Pound Item - the Source Item

Unit ID assigned for 1 Pound SKU

5. Unit ID assigned for 1 Pound SKU

The factor assigned to the 1 Pound unit of measure

6. The factor assigned to the 1 Pound unit of measure