
Inv Comment (F3)

For more information on adding invoice comments, see the video 01-020-004 POS: Invoice Comments (F3).
You can enter a comment related to a particular item or to the invoice by clicking Inv Comments (F3) or pressing the F3 key with the item selected.
Inv Comment (F3)

Item Comment

1. Item Comment
This type of comment is related to a single item.  This can be used to document information about the item, like how or where it is to be used.
The comment appears directly below the item on the printed invoice.
Inv Comment (F3)

Invoice Comment

2. Invoice Comment
This type of comment applies to the entire invoice.  This may be useful to document further information if, for example, all items on the invoice are related to the same project that the customer wishes to make note of.
The comment appears at the bottom of the printed invoice.
Inv Comment (F3)