How to Run a Report

Most reports have the same functions along the bottom of the report screen.
Generally, you enter the options/filters you want to see on the report and click Generate. Generate will create the report or let you know if the report can't be run (option missing, no data, information missing, etc). Once Generate has been completed, other functions can be selected.
Most of these functions are self-explanatory. To File will allow you to create a file to save on your workstation. Not all reports have this option, but if it does, it should be explained more thoroughly in the specific report's help page. Preview is like the Print Preview on word processing software. It will show you what the printed report will look like if it is sent to the printer. Most reports have the following print preview controls.
This button opens the bookmark panel on the left side of the screen
This button will take you to the first page in the preview (will be grayed out if you are on the first page or if there is only one page to the report)
This button will back you up one page to the previous page (will be grayed out if you are on the first page or if there is only one page to the report)
This field shows the current page you are on out of the total number of pages in the report preview
This button will allow you to view a specific page (will be grayed out if there is only one page)
This button will go to the next page in the report preview (will be grayed out if you are on the last page or there is only one page)
This button will go to the last page in the report preview (will be grayed out if you are on the last page or there is only one page)
This drop down menu will allow you to zoom the actual report to make it larger or smaller by the shown percentage (100% is the default and shows the size the report would be if it were printed out)
This drop down menu allows you to select how to view the page(s). 1x1 is default and that will show 1 page at a time. You can select 2x1, 2x2, 3x1, 3x2, or 4x2. The first number is how many pages, while the second number is how many rows of pages (3x2 is 2 rows of 3 pages so 6 total)
This button will allow you to search all the report pages for a specific word or phrase. Look below for more information
This button will print the report you are viewing
This button allows you to export the report you are viewing to a variety of formats. Click here to learn more about it.
This button will close the report and go back to the report generation screen
If you have clicked on any Drill Down links that open an additional report, tabs will be created. The original report will be labeled as "Main Report" and the additional tabs will be titled to specify what the report on that tab is (shown example is a Sales Report as the main report and an Invoice Summary of invoice 100748 on the other tab)
Print sends the report pages to the default Report printer designated in Workstation | Printing | Reports. Right clicking this button will allow you to select a different printer via the Windows Print box. Here, you can select the parameters for printing (print certain pages, multiple copies, printer preferences, etc).
Data View (only available on certain reports; check the help page to see if it is available) will allow you to customize the way you view the report. You can select from various parameters, sort specific columns, or even export the report to an Excel spreadsheet!
Reenter will allow you to change the parameters for the given report. This is useful if you previewed the report and wanted to add or change something to be displayed on the report. After you have changed the report settings, clicking Generate again will take you back through the process with the new settings. Close will exit the current report screen and back up to the Master Report Menu. From here, you can select a different report, the same report, or close this screen and return to the main menu of TransActPOS.
Some reports will have different formats with different buttons, such as a PDF button (creates a PDF), Modify Label (modifies the label to be printed), Export (exports the report into another section of TransActPOS), and more. These functions should be defined in the specific help page of the given report. If it is not, please contact Profile and let us know. Your feedback will make our help system more useful and helpful to you, the customer!