
Pricing Discounts

Pricing Discounts allow you create a broad range of pricing schedules for each customer.  You can create an item-based discount specific to a particular customer or for a group of customers.
Click Pricing Discounts in the customer file in View mode.  The button is not clickable in Edit mode.
Pricing Discounts
You are prompted to select a Pricing Discount method.
Pricing Discounts

All Discounts

1. All Discounts
The All Discounts screen shows all existing discounts specifically for the current customer.  Click New to create a new discount.
Enter the appropriate discount criteria.
Pricing Discounts

Item Selection

1. Item Selection
You can enter a complete item ID or a portion of an item ID.  Item categorization can be added in addition to or instead of an item ID. 

No Sales Tax

Pricing Discounts
This removes sales tax from the specified item/items.  If this is checked, an appropriate tax type must also be selected.

Retail Discount

3. Retail Discount
This applies a percentage discount off the retail price.

Cost Plus Discount

Pricing Discounts
This applies a percentage markup on the selected type of cost.  Enter the percentage, and select the appropriate cost type.

$0 Retail Items

5. $0 Retail Items
This applies the indicated discount to zero priced items also.  See $0.00 Priced Non-Stock Items.

Customer Group

6. Customer Group
This applies group pricing to the specified item/items.  For more information on group pricing, see IC | Inventory File | Prices Tab.

Specific Item

7. Specific Item
<TODO>: Insert description text here...

New Group

2. New Group
New Group displays all existing discount groups.  Click on a discount group, and click Select to add the current customer to the group.
You can view discount group properties and create new discount groups in IC | Support Files | Discount Groups.