

The Reorder report will allow you to view various items based on report filters for reordering purposes. The fields/filters within this report are detailed below. The Export button will then proceed to the next step in the creation of an order click Reordering Process.


The value entered here will limit the report to the specified class. If you leave it blank, it will report on all classes.


The value entered here will limit the report to a specified code. If you leave it blank, it will report on all codes.


The values entered in this range will limit the report to a range of locations (or set location if the same value is entered in both fields). If you leave both fields blank, it will report on all locations.

Item Number - Beginning

The value entered here will be the first item number (in a range) to be reported on in the report. If this (and the ending item number) is left blank, the report will show all items matching the other entered filters.

Ending Item

The value entered here will be the last item (in a range) to be reported on in the report. If this (and the beginning item number) is left blank, the report will show all items matching the other entered filters.


In this drop down, you can choose the vendor to report on. If you leave it blank, it will report on all vendors in your system. The button next to this drop down menu will bring up a find window. The Primary Only check box will make the report show only the primary vendor on the report.

Units Sold Past

This field will display the average of items sold per day in the past so many days (if 90 is entered, the average of items sold in the last 90 days).

Review Only Sales From/To

This date range will only review sales from the range entered. If left blank, the report will disregard any date range.

Cost,Comment,Lst Sale,Physical,Receipt

Checking this option will display the Cost, Comment, Last Sale, Physical,and Receipts on the report.

Include Zero Minimums

Checking this option will display items with zero minimums.

Only Zero On-Hand

Checking this option will display only items with an on-hand of zero.

Include Special Order Items

Checking this option will display items that are considered special order items (check box within the Inventory File).

Resellable Items Only

Checking this option will only display resellable items (another check box within the Inventory File).

Base Reorder Qty on Sales Only

Checking this option will only base the reorder quantity in the report on sales of the item(s).
This setting will create an order quantity equal to that of the quantity sold of the item during the reporting period, indicated within the within "Review Only Sales From date range.

Include "Not Available" Items

Checking this option will include items that are marked "not available."

Include Only Ranks as of MM/YYYY

These boxes allow you to only include certain ranks (A,B,C, or D) as of the given month and year. With all boxes unchecked, the report will include all items.

Recommended Order Qty

There are many options to choose from here. The option chosen is the quantity listed on the report as the recommended order quantity. The options are as follows:
-Replenish to Min
-Replenish+Order Qty
-Replenish to Max
-Order Qty Only
-Replenish by Order Qty
-Max by Order Qty

Seasonal Items

This option will allow you to exclude or include seasonal items. If you select Include, new options will open up.

Purchase Order Request Date

The date entered in this field is the date you request for the purchase order (for reordering).

Report Order by

The option selected here will order/sort the report by the selected option. These options are Class/Code, Class Only, Item Number, Location, or User.

Drill Down Functionality

Clicking on the Item ID will open the Inventory File for the item


Once you are happy with the generated reorder report, you can select Export to open up the Export Menu. Clicking IOR Export will allow you to modify the order (as shown below). Selecting Create PO will automatically create a PO from the given report data.  The PO can still be modified from the PO | Modify PO screen.
Selecting IOR Export above will display the IOR Export screen. Options given here allow you to edit a partial order, edit a complete order, generate a new P.O., or Delete a complete order.
The following screen buttons are available:
The New Price may be changed using the Calc, Edit, and Undo buttons.  An item's On-hand Min, Max, and Order Qty can be changed from the Order Form screen. The Current On-hand number can be changed from the Item Scrn if needed. (Note: Any changes to the inventory file from the Order Form will not be made until another item in the list is selected)
The Avg per Day option allows the Day Avg column on the item list to be changed to Avg per Week or Avg per Month.
The Select Options button allows for the background color of an item to be changed to display the item's status as having No Change, Reviewed, or Qty Changed.
The Filter button allows for the selection of just a subset of the items on the reorder report to be viewed.  Right click on appropriate items to be displayed and click again on the Filter button to display the selected items.  (Note: Click the Filter button and clear the selection to display all the items on the reorder report again)
Note: Sometimes an item will appear on this Reorder Report, but will not appear on the resulting reorder or purchase order. Click here for more information.


QEcat presents a condensed screen of the ecatalog information for the Primary and a Secondary Vendor.

Presented is a basic vendor screen for the Primary and available secondary vendor

1. Presented is a basic vendor screen for the Primary and available secondary vendor
QEcat presents a condensed screen of the eEatalog information for the Primary and a Secondary Vendor.  Additional vendors may be available within the Next button.

Choose Next to see the other Vendors related to the selected item

2. Choose Next to see the other Vendors related to the selected item
Selecting Next presents the other vendors, if present, for the selected item.

Select Close to return to the prior screen

3. Select Close to return to the prior screen