(c) Profile Systems Design Group, Inc. 2025 Build: 4.008.760 Help ID: 1070
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Each person that will use the TransActPOS system should have their own User ID. The ID will be utilized during the creation of a variety of documents and audit trail to provide information regarding who made the transaction. Additionally, the User ID is the mechanism for providing security within the system. Each user is initially created by selecting the New button within the User's main menu. The Properties tab provides detailed information for the user, such as ID, name, and password.
Note: The name that appears within the Properties tab will be printed on sales receipts and the like, so review your privacy policy before releasing this information to the general public.
The Listing button provides a display or printer report of the current users setup within the system.
The Properties tab contains general information regarding the user. Checking the "Text Message Reports Only" will only send this user text messages when sending reports (requires the Information Server). Clicking the Signature button will allow you to customize this user's email signature that will appear on all emails sent from this user.
Note: Once the User ID is saved, you CANNOT change it.
The Groups tab indicates the group to which the user belongs. Group maintenance is available within Security | Groups.