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Destination True Value
The following details Creating True Value Item File for Destination True Value Missing Item Spreadsheet
1. On TransActPOS Main Menu, select Options | IOR Menu | Utilities | Maintenance | (Special Options) AIM Upload File
2. A Directory Tree is displayed, allowing you to select where the generated AIM Item file will be saved. (I usually select the root of Local C:\ it is usually easy to find)
3. The files generated are called Itemmembernumber.zip and Itemmembernumber.txt where membernumber is your actual True Value member number.
The excel spreadsheet is a great tool. You can pick items by RDC A, B, C, D sales ranking. Data is pulled by RDC for item ranking. The resulting spreadsheet removes any items you already have in stock, which really makes this a valuable tool for filling in areas where stock is getting low!