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True Value Generated Price Tags and Bin Labels
1. You must place item price labels on all retail products
2. Your price item labels are printed by your vendor
3. You desire to change your Current Retail Price to a New Retail Price while creating a purchase order to indicate a new future retail price.
If the True Value Member Store is signed up to receive True Value Company Generated Price Tags / Bin Labels, TransActPOS automatically overrides True Value Company's Suggested Retail Price and uploads the Member Retail Price to True Value Company's Mainframe. This process is accomplished by utilizing TransActPOS, Options | IOR Menu | Reports | Reorder Report, and electronic ordering capabilities.
In the IOR Export Screen | Edit Partial Orders, the user has the ability to edit the Store's Retail Price while working the True Value Order. The IOR Order Form displays the ECatalog Price, which is True Value Company Suggested Retail, and Current Price, which is the Member Retail Price. Viewing these prices during your visual cross check and keying on variances will aid in keeping your store priced right.
To change a retail price, in this case from $22.99 to $24.99, select the Item Scrn button to display the Inventory Maintenance Screen. Select Edit and the user has full edit control of the Inventory Maintenance Screen.
After selecting edit and making any changes that are needed, select Save and Close.
Note: If the store generates bin labels internally, especially with a label printer such as the Zebra TLP 2844/2824 which prints labels 1 at a time, printing labels by selecting the Print Label Button while in the Inventory Maintenance Screen is a huge time saver.
The True Value Member has the ability to change member retail prices through other means in TransActPOS, such as IC | Inventory File or IC | Maintenance | ECatalog Price Control. As long as the member retail prices are changed prior to sending the True Value Warehouse Order, the True Value Company Generated price tags / bin labels will display the proper member retail price.