
Email Statements Not Working

Certain email servers use SSMTP. This specific protocol may not allow the certain emails to certain addresses. If you find that your emails are not going through and you are sure that the email address is 100% accurate, follow the steps below to allow emails through SSMTP.
The first step is to download a program called "Stunnel." Stunnel is a free program used to allow access to the SSMTP server. This free program is available to download at www.stunnel.org/downloads.html. Make sure you download the file that has installer.exe within the title of the file. The image below is only a reference, as the version date and number may be incorrect as the program is updated.
Once the file is downloaded, install the file. Accept all of the defaults when installing. During the installation, the program will ask for various information, such as Country, State, Company, etc. Answer accordingly.
When the program is completely finished installing, click on the Start menu and navigate to the Stunnel folder within "All Programs." In this folder, you will see "Edit stunnel.conf" and clicking on this will bring up the configuration file for the program. Press Ctrl + A to select all of the current text in this file and press Delete to get rid of it all. Then, enter the following text into the document to configure the program correctly.
client=yes     -     lets the system know that this workstation is the client
[ssmtp]     -     this is the protocol to be used; it could possibly be IMAPS or SPOP, but in most cases it will be SSMTP
accept=25     -     this is the port that will be entered when setting up the email server and blat (for testing)
connect=smtp.mail.yahoo.com:465     -     this is the actual server address and port number; in this example, the Yahoo server is   smtp.mail.yahoo.com and the port it listens to is 465 (which makes it SSMTP)
Depending on the server you are sending mail from, the "connect=" address will be different (gmail, hotmail, etc).
Once that is entered, either close out and save or go to File | Save to save the changes to the file.
The next step is to install Blat and test your system. You can download this from www.blat.net (the link provided takes you directly to the download page). Depending on the version of Windows you have, select 32 bit versions or 64 bit versions. Once you have selected your Windows version, download the latest .zip file. Once the file is download (not very large so should be quick), extract the contents to C:/BlatTest. Once extracted, you will see a folder (within C:/BlatTest) called blat### (where ### is the version number). Open this folder and open the next folder that is called "full." You should see four files located here. Left click highlight them, right click on them, and click Cut. Go back to C:/BlatTest and right click on an empty section and click Paste. This will make it easier to use this file.
Now that Blat has been extracted properly, click on the Start Menu and type cmd (Windows XP: click Run then type cmd) and press enter. This will bring up the command prompt. In order, type the phrases below (pressing enter after each) to correctly test the email.
1. cd C:/BlatTest
2. blat -install localhost:25 -u storename@email.com -pw password
(the number after localhost is the number entered in the accept=## from Stunnel (25); storename@email.com will be the email address for your store and the password is the password used to access it)
     3. blat -to name@email.com -f storename@email.com -server smtp.mail.yahoo.com -u storename@email.com -pw password  -subject "hello" -body "testing blat"
(name@email.com is who you want to send a test email to (preferably a personal email address so that you can check instantly to see if it works); the server address in this example is yahoo.com but could be whatever domain your email is through)
Ensure there were no errors on the command prompt and check the email to see if the test was sent correctly.
Lastly, double check your email server settings within TransActPOS. Click here for information on where and how to do that.