
Auto Label

Auto Label allows you to turn on automatic label printing for every item scanned thereafter rather than clicking Print Label and going through print settings for each individual item scanned.  This is especially helpful when printing labels for a large number of items.  Within Auto Label, you can turn on Auto-add from eCatalog.  This feature searches your eCatalog for any item entered that is not found within your store's inventory and adds it to your inventory.
Auto Label

Label Print Options

1. Label Print Options
Select the correct printing option.  The Auto-add from ECatalog option is not enabled until a printing option is selected.
Always Print prints a label for every item scanned after turning on Auto Label.
On Price Change prints a label only upon changing the retail price.
No Label does not automatically print a label for any item.  Use this option if you wish to turn on Auto-add from ECatalog but do not want to print any labels.
Additional price settings in System | Company Setup | ECatalog that may affect the handheld and Auto-add from ECatalog.
In the drop-down menu for Automatically update from ECatalog, you can select No sync, Both MSRP/Retail, or MSRP Only depending on how you wish your stores prices to update relative to the ECatalog.
If No sync is selected, the following message is displayed on the handheld device when selecting an Auto Label function:
For more information on the Automatically update from ECatalog settings, see System | Company Setup | ECatalog | Automatically update from ECatalog.

Auto-add from eCatalog

2. Auto-add from eCatalog
Check this to turn on Auto-add from eCatalog.  When Auto-add is turned on, if you enter an item that is not currently in your store's inventory, the following message is displayed.
The eCatalog is then searched for that item.  If the item is found in the eCatalog, it is added to your store's inventory.  If any of the proceeding options are checked, their respective screens open.
If the item is not found in the eCatalog, the following message is displayed.
Turning on Auto-add from eCatalog enables additional options for entering the new item.
Auto Label

Enter Price

1. Enter Price
This opens the Edit Pricing screen.  You can edit MSRP and retail pricing, as well as mark the item No Mass Price or No Discount.
If MSRP / Retail Sync Setting is On, you cannot edit MSRP and Retail independently.  This setting is controlled by System | Company Setup | Inventory Page 1 | Sync MSRP and Retail Price Changes.
For more information on pricing and pricing options, see IC | Inventory File | IC Tabs | General Tab | Controls and Price and Cost Information.

Enter Class/Code

2. Enter Class/Code
This opens the Edit Class/Code screen for the newly added item. 
Clicking the blue box for Class, Code, Fine, or SubFine opens the list of existing categories to select from.

Enter On-Hand

3. Enter On-Hand
This opens the Adjust Quantity screen for you to enter the on-hand quantity of the newly added item.  You can enter a comment if desired.
This option is not necessary if Auto Physical is also turned on.

Set Minimum
and Order Quantity

4. Set Minimum
and Order Quantity
These options are enabled only when Enter On-Hand Quantity is checked.
Checking Set Minimum to On-Hand Quantity sets the minimum on-hand quantity equal to the on-hand quantity entered on the adjust quantity screen as the item was added.
Checking Set Order Quantity to 1 sets the quantity to be ordered when placing a reorder to 1.
These values can be reviewed on the Mfg/Edit tab of the inventory page and edited as needed.
Auto Label
For more information on minimum order quantity or order quantity, see IC | Inventory File | IC Tabs | General Tab | Core Units of Measure.