
Comp Order

The electronic catalog of another vendor can be searched for comparable items on the PO.  Select the other vendor and click the Compare Items button to list any common items.  Note: Item numbers from each vendor need to be in the item's lookup list.  If the same vendor is selected as a comparable vendor, the comparison display will provide a method to split the PO into two separate POs.
Upon selecting the Comp Order button, the system will present the Find Vendor screen to allow the user to locate the competing vendor.  Locate the vendor for the  comparison order process.
Select the Compare Items button to start the comparison process.
Comp Order
Comp Order

References of Current and Comp are
presented within Vendors section

1. References of Current and Comp are 
presented within Vendors section

Header Details - Cur/Current and Comp

2. Header Details - Cur/Current and Comp
The column headers will include "Cur" or "Current" when making reference to the Current Vendor, the source of the selected purchase order.
The column headers will include "Comp" when referring to the vendor to which this selected purchase order is being compared.

Current | Compare Landed Cost Check Boxes

3. Current | Compare Landed Cost Check Boxes
The Comp Order function will calculate the landed cost of the each item within the purchase order.  The check box will determine if the item within the row stays within the current purchase order (Checked Current) or is transferred to a new purchase order (Checked Compare).  The user may overwrite the calculated vendor source by left-clicking on the desired source.

Warehouse Quantities

4. Warehouse Quantities
Depending upon the communicating vendor's timing of warehouse quantities, the Current Qty and Comp Qty columns refer to the warehouse quantities as reported by the specific vendor.  This additional information should be considered when selecting the comparison process. The warehouse quantity is not included in the calculation of the landed cost.  The user must consider the impact of the reported warehouse quantity.

Select Accept to split the purchase order as
indicated by the Current and Compare Check Boxes

5. Select Accept to split the purchase order as 
indicated by the Current and Compare Check Boxes
Upon selecting the Accept button, the system will remove the items which have a Compare check box from the source purchase order then create a second purchase for the Comparison Vendor that will contain all the items that have the Compare column checked.