
Event Order

Event Orders

True Value's promotions, aim for profit, Relay, and C4P programs have been combined into an Event Order program. Purchase orders can be created to take advantage of the promotional offerings offered by True Value. Key to this process is the ability to sort the offering in order of greatest savings. As the user reviews the offering, the desired quantity for up to four order windows can be created.  The resulting purchase orders will contain the request date which correlates with the indicated order window.

Process Summary

Operational Note:
The Properties contains filtering and indexing controls that apply to the presentation of the products within the List form. Once the filters and indexes are selected, select  Apply at the bottom of the Properties page to implement the selected filters before selecting the List tab.

List Tab

Based on the events that have been downloaded from the True Value Event Update communications, a purchase order of selective items can be created from the items listed.  From the detailed item information, sales history, and ranking, items can be selected to be ordered.  The cumulative cost and cost savings are displayed for the order.  Select an item from the list for review and ordering.
Event Order

List and Property Tabs

1. List and Property Tabs
Selecting the List tab presents the product page of the Event Order and all of its item level details.  From this page the user will review and enter the order quantities into the configured order date fields.
Selecting the Properties tab allows the user to control various aspects of the List page with the application of various filters and indexes.

Select New to load a
new Event Order Form

2. Select New to load a 
new Event Order Form

Choose Open to load a
previously saved Event Form

3. Choose Open to load a 
previously saved Event Form

Selecting Close exits the
form with an option to Save

4. Selecting Close exits the 
form with an option to Save

How to use the Event Order Form

Select New to begin the process
The time period for the sales history and ranking can be adjusted to the desired range.
Event Order

Select the left and right arrows move
the time frame back and forward in time

1. Select the left and right arrows move 
the time frame back and forward in time
The arrow button allows the use to adjust the Ranking/Sales window dates that determine the amount of data to be presented within the Event Order.

Select OK to move forward in the process

2. Select OK to move forward in the process

Selecting the Prommtional Event

The promotional information presented within the Select Promo Event listing are automatically downloaded during communications with True Value. 
From the list of promotions provided, select the desired Promo No. using the mouse or keyboard to position highlight bar. Once positioned, choose the Select button.
Event Order
Within the selected promotion, choose which Section(s) by either individual sections or by using the Select All option.
Selecting the Proceed button moves the process forward.
Event Order

Sections of the event
may be individually selected

1. Sections of the event 
may be individually selected
A Left-click or space bar will toggle the check box field indicating the the selected Section will be imported into the system.

Choose all sections
with a single button selection

2. Choose all sections 
with a single button selection

Choose Proceed to
import the selected Sections

3. Choose Proceed to 
import the selected Sections
Choose Yes to create the New Event Order file.

Controlling the Order and Filters to the List within the Properties tab

Event Order

Item information for the selected
(highlighted) item within the listing screen

1. Item information for the selected 
(highlighted) item within the listing screen
<TODO>: Insert description text here...

Selected item statistics

2. Selected item statistics
Selecting the Ranking and Sales tabs will display the related information for the month/year in a columnar formation.
The additional buttons of Item Screen, Item History, Q-Ecat and ECatalog allow access to these Inventory File Maintenance topics.

Order totals

3. Order totals

Multiple Order Ship Dates are
determined within the Properties tab

4. Multiple Order Ship Dates are 
determined within the Properties tab

Select Save to create the purchase orders that support the Purchase Dates.

5. Select Save to create the purchase orders that support the Purchase Dates.
Once created, the purchase orders may be edited within the PO > Modify Orders.

Properties Tab

Event Order

Product Selection

1. Product Selection      
Choose Fineline, Class, Manufacturer, Rankings and Special Order options to trim the list of items within the detail listing.

Additional Filter options

2. Additional Filter options
Filter show items based upon sales activity
Choose to show All Items, Store Matches to the Promotional Items or Not in Store.
Event Order
Select to show All Manufactures, Mfgs w/ Spiffs, Mfgs with out Spiffs.

Sort Order

3. Sort Order                                       
Simply click on the titles in the order to which you prefer to view the item listing.  Typically, the first click is on the Percent Cost Savings and then IBM Number (SKU).

Support of up to 4 future Purchase Order Request Dates

4. Support of up to 4 future Purchase Order Request Dates
Enter the dates of the future orders.

Visual Signal of savings
based upon percentage

5. Visual Signal of savings 
based upon percentage

Once the filters are selected, select Apply to implement before returning to the List tab

6. Once the filters are selected, select Apply to implement before returning to the List tab
Select Apply to implement the selected filters before selecting the List tab.

Creating the Purchase Orders

With the dates of the purchase order dates entered, the user may enter the desired quantity for each of the order dates.

Event Order

Purchase Order Dates

1. Purchase Order Dates
The purchase orders dates are assigned within the List tab.

Enter the desired quantities for each request date.

2. Enter the desired quantities for each request date.