The MFG/Edit Tab allows you to view and edit item controls and order quantities. You can also view the Quick ECatalog file and add the item to a list for printing or importing into TransAct on the desktop.
| For detailed information on each field shown, see IC | Inventory File.
 Edit Mode
Click Edit to make changes to any of the settings.
Fields that can be edited are highlighted light blue.
All check boxes can be checked or unchecked as needed.
For numeric fields, click the up or down arrows to increase or decrease the value.
Click Save when you are finished editing to save your changes.
Click Cancel at any time to discard unsaved changes.
 Item Description
This shows the item description.
 Mfg, Model, and Substitute
This displays the item's manufacturer and manufacturer's model number if available. If there is a substitute for the current item, the substitute number is shown.
 Item Controls
<TODO>: Insert description text here...
 Decimals and Faces
This shows the number of decimal places and number of shelf faces (facings).
 Order Quantities
This shows the minimum and maximum order quantities and the quantity to be ordered at a time.
 Protect Minimum
Checking this excludes this item from the Inventory Minimum Recalculation.
This opens a condensed version of the item's eCatalog file.
This opens a list of distribution centers and their respective on-hand quantities of the item.
If the item is carried by multiple vendors, you can navigate between their eCatalog files by using the arrow buttons at the bottom of the screen.
 Add to List
Click Add to List to place this item on an item list, which can be printed, viewed as a csv, and imported into TransAct to build a promotion.
 Print List
Click Print List to print the item list.