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NMR Communications Resolutions to Issues
Behavior: NMR is not receiving updates from the store regarding the normal update of SKU and the related quantity on-hand and retail prices
Let's examine the current behavior of the computer that is designated as the TransActPOSServer and the Mercury Server activity. Mercury Server is invoked on a "every few minutes schedule to send to NMR the pertinent data to refresh the eCommerce site.
View the behavior of the TransActPOSServer computer locally or remotely to see what is going on.
Click on this Mercury Server icon reveal the instance of the Email Server
This is a normal screen showing that the EZ-AD ecommerce is present and operations, the "G" indicates that the Google Pointy process is present, the Rental Module indicates that the TransActPOS Rental Scheduler component is present, and the "New Media Retailer" indicates that the TransActPOS Activation code to include the New Media Retailer ingratiation is present.
Click on this Mercury Server icon reveal the instance of the NMR Server
With the "New Media Retailer" present in the above screen, the New Media Retailer instance of the Mercury Server will appear based upon an internal schedule every few minutes.
At this location, it is reported that the NMR Ecommerce site is not receiving updates, so let's determine the source of the issue.
1) Watching the TransActPOSServer computer, the system should present the additional Mercury Server icon as indicated above every few minutes.
Look in the root of TransActPOSServer to view the NMR*.* files for details of the current activity.
In this example, it appears that the NewMediaRetailer_log.txt is being updated at the current time but interestingly the NewMediaRetailer_last.txt, NewMediaRetailer_data.dbf, and NewMediaRetailer_data.csv have not updated for some time. Look in the NewMediaRetailer_log.txt with notepad or natepag++ to read what has been recorded.
Contents of the NewMediaRetailer_log.txt file
For the most recent posting to the log file go to the bottom of the file. In this case, the application has recorded and error so a call to TransActPOS Support would be appropriate to address this issue.
Normal Refresh Rate of NMR
The normal refresh rate is about every hour as presented within the NewMediaRetailer_log.txt file.