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PaintCare Fee Overview
TransActPOS does address the PaintCare Fee that continues to be adopted across the U.S. over the recent years.
Process of applying the PaintCare Fee to your system.
Create the PaintCare item within TransActPOS
Select IC
Select Inventory File
Select Advanced Search and then select Add Item or select New at the at the bottom of the Item: screen.
Enter into the Item ID field PAINTFEE
Enter an appropriate description like PaintCare Fee
Select Next to advance to the Unit of Measure screen
Select Next to advance to the Pricing Information screen
Change the Item Type to Fee Item at the bottom of the list
Leave the Matrix field at Dollars
Select Next
The Classification Information page contains the various classes to which this fee can be associated. The suggestion is to create a Fee Class to separate the activity from the general merchandise.
Select the ellipsis (…) that appears to the right of the Class selector and create a new class called Fees.
Within the Report Group drop-down select a sub-group initial so this class activity will be reported outside of the general merchandise. You will see this effect when you run the Sales by Class report.
Upon return to the Classification Information screen, now select the new Fees Class from the listing.
Select Next to proceed to the GL Accounting Information screen
Select Nest to continue to the Notes and Picture Screen. Apply the desired note for this item and check Print on Invoice.
Select Save
Assign to the PAINTFEE item the different rates by size
Select IC
Select Inventory File
Select the Prices tab
Select Qty Prices
On the Qty Break Prices screen select New
To the right of the Sell Unit, select the ellipsis (…)
Select Pint
In the Factor field enter a one (1).
Enter a Beg. Qty of zero
Enter an End. Qty of 999,999
Enter a Per Unit price of 0.49
Select Dollars
Select OK
At the Lookup Number field, select the down arrow and select PAINTFEE
Select Save
Repeat this same process for the following units of measure applying the appropriate fee rate for your specific state.
You should have a table of Units of Measure similar to the one below showing a rate for Pints (PT), Quarts (QT), Gallons (GA), and 5 Gallon Pails (PL).
Applying the Fees to the applicable products
Select IC
Select Inventory File
Locate the appropriate item
Select Edit
To the right of the Fee Item field, from the dropdown select Fee Item (versus Core Charge)
Choose the Ellipse (…)
Select Find
In the Item Lookup Field enter PAINTFEE
Click Select
Click Select from the Select Item screen (a second time)
Select the applicable unit of measure by selecting the Ellipse to the far right.