
Remote Desktop Share to a local workstation installation of Margin Master

To access a local installation of MarginMaster from a server installation, proceed with the following steps:

Share the workstation's MarginMaster folder

Remote Desktop Share to a local workstation installation of Margin Master

Select the workstation's
C:\MarginMaster folder
within Windows Explorer

1. Select the workstation's 
C:\MarginMaster folder 
within Windows Explorer

Select Properties

2. Select Properties
Select Share
Add the Everyone user with Read/Write permission Level
The shared folder should appear as seen below.

Configure the Remote Desktop connection to include the available local C: Drive

Right-Click on the Remote Desktop Client icon, and then select Edit to add the Local Resource of C:
Choose Local Resources and within Local devices and resources, select More.
Open the Drives option with the + to reveal the Local Disk (C:).
Check this drive .

Save the configuration Remote Desktop Configuration

Select the General tab within the Remote Desktop Connection application and choose Save.

TransActPOS's awareness of the local workstation C:\MarginMaster

Choosing the Generate & Export within the MarginMaster Export utility, the system will create the output file and then save the MarginMaster

Remote Desktop Share to a local workstation installation of Margin Master

Remote Desktop Share to a local workstation installation of Margin Master

Select the Shared created in the above step

1. Select the Shared created in the above step
Locate the MarginMaster locate on the workstation's C: Drive and then select OK.
The path to the local workstation's MarginMaster will be save for future use during the Export and Import process within MarginMaster.