
Texting Topics

What is TransActPOS – Texting?

TransActPOS – Texting is a Short Message Service (SMS), allowing users to send text messages utilizing a centralized company texting phone number. Preset messages can be sent from multiple points within the TransActPOS application to create a two-way conversation with your customer.

How does TransActPOS – Texting help your business?

Can I Experience the Join registration process now?

Yes – Text "Join" to 270-398-2517 to register with a TransActPOS Demonstration system. The System responds with the registration form for the "Your Hardware" virtual store. Upon registration, you may choose the opt-out feature to experience the entire process.

Video Resources

TransActPOS - Introduction to Texting

The video presents an overview of the TransActPOS Testing module, from the setup to the use of the application.