
Change Item Quantity

For more information on changing quantity, see the video 01-020-002 POS: Multiply Items.
There are three ways to change the quantity of an item in the Item Listing.

1. Re-enter Item

Scan the item's barcode, click the item on the grid, or enter the item ID for each item.
Each time the item is re-entered, it is added to the existing item line, and the quantity and extended price in the Item Listing are updated. 
Change Item Quantity
If you want a separate item line to be created each time the item is re-entered, uncheck Summarize Duplicate Items in System | Company Setup | POS Information 1.

2. Click Change Qty

Change Item Quantity
Clicking Change Qty opens a window with the item ID and description.  Enter the desired quantity, and click OK.
The item quantity and extended price are updated in the Item Listing.
Change Item Quantity

3. Type *Qty

With the item selected in the Item Listing, type * followed by the desired quantity, and press the Enter key.
Change Item Quantity
The item quantity and extended price are updated in the Item Listing.
Change Item Quantity