

The Favorites button is located in the top right of the Master Report Menu. To get to this menu, click the Reports button of any module. All modules installed will be listed on the tabs here, allowing you to view the different reports in one location. The Favorites button is the same, regardless of what tab you are currently on.
Clicking it will open a list of report favorites. From the start, this menu will have nothing in it, requiring you to create a report favorite first.
To create a report favorite, load up any report you wish to create a favorite for. In the example below, we are using the Sales Report from the POS tab. In the bottom left corner of all reports, there are two buttons. The left button (gear) will save all the current settings/filters as a favorite for later access. Once you have set your report settings, click that button.
Note: The button to the right of this will bring up the Favorites menu
Once clicked, the system will first ask you to select the type of date to represent the "From Date" any time this report is pulled back up from your favorites. The types of dates you can choose from are:
Once you have selected the type of "From Date," the system will ask for the type of "To Date." The options are the same. See below for both screens.
After the dates are selected, enter a report description to assist in remember what the report favorite actually is. For example, a good description for a Sales Report favorite that has a from date of "First of Month" and a to date of "Last of Month" could be "Sales for Month."
Once a description is entered, click OK. Now, when you access the Favorites menu, you will see you newly created favorite in the list. Highlighting the favorite and clicking "Load Settings" will load the given report with the saved settings, ready to be run again. Delete will get rid of any unused or old favorites and Cancel will bring you back to the screen you were previously on. As you can see below, whichever user created the favorites will be listed, meaning you can filter the favorites to a specific user or show all favorites created on the network using the drop down menu.