The Sales Tax Report provides a Sales Tax Summary Report and Non-Taxed Sales Report.
 Report Basis
Select whether you wish to report on an accrued or cash basis.
 Tax Location
Select the tax location to report on if applicable. This is set to all locations by default.
 Report Type
Selecting Both generates both a summary and a detailed report.
A summary report shows total taxed and non-taxed sales, with break-outs by tax location, cash and charge sales, and actual and calculated amounts.
A detailed report shows total details for non-taxed sales, including invoice number, customer ID and job, and item details.
 Date Range
Enter a date range.
 Work Area
You can filter by workstation work area.
 Class and Code
You can filter results by class and code. This is only applicable to the detailed report type.
Here is an example of a summary report:
Here is an example of a detailed report: