Settings Tab

For more information about the Settings tab, see the video 02-010-004 AR: Customer File - Settings Tab.
The Settings tab contains customer categorization, statement settings, pricing schemes, and other options.
Settings Tab


1. Pricing
The customer pricing setting indicates the pricing to be applied to the customer during the sales process.
IC | Inventory File | General | Retail Price
Column A-C
IC | Inventory File | Prices | Column Prices
ECat. Cost
IC | Inventory File | General | Cat. Cost
Last Cost
IC | Inventory File | General | Last Cost
Avg Cost
IC | Inventory File | General | Avg Cost
Type Customer
IC | Support Files | Customer Type
Group A-F
IC | Inventory File | Prices | Product Code | Group
For more information on pricing, see IC | Inventory File.

Type and Industry

2. Type and Industry
These are user-defined categories that can be used to group customers and refine report results.

No Minimum Price

3. No Minimum Price
This allows a customer discount to discount an item below the Minimum Gross Profit Margin set in System | Company Setup | Inventory Page 1.


Settings Tab
This allows you to designate the customer as a consumer, company, contractor, or employee.  If "Contractor" mode Sales Order is checked in System | Company Setup | Sales Orders 1, selecting Contractor in the Descriptor field allows the customer to be linked to sales orders.


5. Salesperson
This allows you to assign a salesperson to this customer.  To utilize this field,  Assign Default Salesperson must be checked in System | Company Setup | Inventory Page 1.

File Entry

6. File Entry
This indicates the date and by whom the customer record was created in the system.   If the Added information is edited, the original entry date and time are shown by hovering over the date field.

Statement Signature

7. Statement Signature
This indicates whether or not to include the customer's signature on invoices.  Note that a signature pad is required to include signatures.


8. Options
These checkboxes allow more customization of the customer account.
No Commission Customer prohibits commissions from being generated on sales to this customer and being reported on the commission sales report (e.g. for in-house accounts).
No Auto Applying Payments requires all payments to be manually applied.
No Auto Applying Credits

requires all credits to be manually applied.
Never Print Invoices

disables invoices from being printed at Ring Sale.  Any invoice can still be printed through POS | Reports | Print Invoice.
Always Print Delivery Ticket

ensures that a delivery ticket is printed for each invoice.
No Emailing Pay Receipt prevents an acknowledgment of receipt of payment from being emailed.

Alternate Item IDs

9. Alternate Item IDs
This allows you to apply an alias to an item to be displayed on the invoice.  For more information on alternate item IDs, see Alternate Item IDs.

Pricing Discounts

10. Pricing Discounts
This allows you to create custom discounts for this particular customer or to assign the customer to a group discount. 
For more information on pricing discounts, see Pricing Discounts.

Contract Prices

11. Contract Prices
This allows you to set up contract prices for specific items.  For more information on contract pricing, see Contract Prices.

Statement Type

12. Statement Type
Open Invoice Statement
prints all of the customer’s open invoices and open credits.  This statement type shows invoice number, invoice date, purchase order number, original invoice amount, and current balance.
Balance Forward
prints only new invoices posted since the last statement.  The balance being forwarded appears at the top of the statement.  This statement type includes invoice number, invoice date, purchase order number, original invoice amount, and current balance.  The net due amount is the sum of the balance forward plus the current open invoices and credits.
Detailed Balance Forward
contains the same information as the balance forward statement but also includes detailed item descriptions below each invoice.
Collated Balance Forward
contains the same information as the detailed balance forward statement, but it collates the printed statements and invoice details.
results in no printed statement for this customer.
Revolving Balance Forward
is reserved for revolving accounts. It includes the monthly payment as well as the total balance and all purchases in a specified time frame.
For more information on statement types, see Customer Statement Types.

Print Group

Settings Tab
This allows you to put customers into groups for printing statements.  You can print statements for each group at a different time instead of running all statements at the same time.

Include Invoice Detail

14. Include Invoice Detail
This inserts an additional report between each customer statement that includes full item details and the signature captured at the time of the original purchase.  This option may be selected for either the balance forward statement or the detailed balance forward statement.  

Email Preferences

15. Email Preferences
EMail Invoices ensures invoices are emailed to the customer email and all contacts for which Email Invoices is checked.
EMail Statement ensures statements are emailed to the customer email and all contacts for which Email Statement is checked.
For more information on email settings and emailing statements, see the video Emailing Statements - Setup and Processing.

Club Member

16. Club Member
If the Frequent Buyer module is installed, you can enter the customer's membership information.
A note appears at the top of the customer file indicating that the customer is a club member.
Settings Tab