
Wireless Version 1

Wireless Requirements:
1) TransActPOS Wireless activation code within your current TransActPOS installation.
2) Workstation or Server Based configuration (only one required)
3) Wireless Access Point
 4) Compatible Wireless Device
Wireless Version1 requires a Windows Terminal Server or a dedicated Windows workstation to provide a remote connection.  

Wireless device user

Any TransActPOS user with the proper user access privileges, as set in System | User Security | Groups, can be logged on to the wireless device program.  Short numeric User IDs and passwords are much easier to enter on the wireless device.

Create a user specifically for the remote wireless device.

Specific wireless device users can be created in System | User Security | Users | New for the wireless device.  A special wireless device group can be created in System | User Security | Groups and users assigned to that group have the appropriate access set for that group in System | User Security | Groups | Access.  A password will be needed to be assigned to the user.

Terminal Server

Once a workstation is designated as the terminal server for the wireless device,  a desktop shortcut should be created for the program "C:\TransActPOS\TAPDA.EXE" and it should be located near the top left of the terminal screen. Once the wireless device is attached to the host computer via the remote desktop, the TAPDA shortcut icon will be selected to run the TransActPOS wireless software version on the wireless device.