(c) Profile Systems Design Group, Inc. 2025 Build: 4.008.747 Help ID: 946
Frequent Buyer Program
The Frequent Buyer Program is an option which allows stores to assign points to inventory item(s) which will create customer redeemable points upon purchase. This portion of the setup only involves the key identification elements of the program. Additional information and further setup is reviewed within the Kiosk portion of this manual.
ID Length
The ID Length refers to the number of digits contained within the customer's frequent buyer identification ID. This number is not the customer account number. A customer may have multiple frequent buyer IDs pointing back to a single customer account number.
Automatically Add New Customers
Enabling this option will automatically add new customers to the frequent buyer program by auto generating a frequent buyer ID.
Refunds decrease points rewarded
Enabling this option will automatically deduct the points from the customers account if they get a refund.
The Prefix and Suffix are characters that may surround the frequent buyer ID when swiped or scanned with a barcode reader. This feature allows these characters to be removed from the data stream. Leave the appropriate value blank if a prefix or suffix are not used within the machine readable data string.
Kiosk User ID
The Kiosk User ID is the manager's ID to enter the Kiosk management. This ID is created by the system and cannot be changed. When the ID Length is assigned to the system, the Kiosk User ID is created. The Kiosk Password is modifiable by the manager to allow a unique numeric password. This information will be used during the Customer Screen | Manager Mode within the Kiosk
RepeatRewards Loyalty
This is the settings for RepeatRewards. More information on setup can be found in the RepeatRewards section of the help file.
Generate Instant Coupons
Instant Coupons can only be used with the TransActPOS Frequent Buyer program. It cannot be mixed with other programs.
2. Company Setup> Frequent Buyer Program Select Generate Instant Coupons
3. Assign the Instant coupon
4. Enter Disclaimer information. We do not supply this disclaimer.
5. Setup Club Plan> Plan Maintenance with Reward Coupon value information and Point reward values.
6. Modify Coupon - If Instant is selected in Company Setup that is the one being modified. If Instant Coupon is not selected the standard coupon is modified.