(c) Profile Systems Design Group, Inc. 2025 Build: 4.008.748 Help ID: 1790
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Where is the MRI Invoice Number
The MRI Invoice number the system is requesting is found on your Warehouse Invoice. Notice the following areas of the invoice:
Item Number - corresponds to your item number's stated vendor item number - typically the same numbers
Order Quantity - this is the quantity indicated within the purchase order sent to True Value
Pack Type
a "F ##" within the Pack column indicates the quantity (##) within the F pack
a "B ##" within the Pack column indicates the quantity within the package being broken
Fill Quantity - the fill quantity indicates the shipped quantity which should reconcile with the counted quantity within the shipment
Retail Price - the indicated retail price will be the price on the Bin and Item labels, if provided with your shipment
MRI Invoice Number - this invoice number is what TransActPOS is referencing to when you import MRI/A-Copy invoices
PO Number - when importing a MRI within the Special Options, the system refers to this PO Number column allowing you to import only a portion of the invoice.
Status - in this example, the indicated item appears to be back ordered.