
Credit Card Reader

This screen is used to setup the options for taking Credit/Debit Cards.  The available Device Model settings will differ based on whether the Credit Card Software is turned on under the company setup.
When set to None, the only options for Device Model will be None or Manual Device.
The (none) and Manual Device function the same way in either Credit Card Software selection.

Credit Card Software set to None


Credit Cards not taken

Setting the Device Model to (none) will turn off the Credit/Debit cards option at payment screens.

Manual (Stand Alone Card Reader)

This setting is selected if using a stand alone unit to process Credit/Debit Cards.
When selecting Credit Card at the end of the transaction, the following screen will allow you to choose the card type.
Once the Card type is selected, the first and last 4 digits of the Credit Card, Expiration Date, and the Authorization code from the Card Reader can be entered to make it easier to reconcile the transactions.

Credit Card Software set to Point Swipe/Manual or Point Swipe Default

When set to either of the Point Swipe options, the options for Device Model will be None, Verifone MX915, Verifone MX925, Verifone M400 or Manual Device

The Verifone MX915, Verifone MX925, and Verifone M400 Device Model will depend on which integrated Credit Card Machine present.  Support will assist you with this setting.

Remove Item Listing at Ring Sale

This selection will speed up the Ring Sale process when the M400 is present by waiting until the end of the sale to display the items on the M400 screen.

No Mag Strip on Repeat Rewards Gift Card

This selection allows Repeat Rewards Gift Cards to be used with a barcode instead of the magstripe.

Do Not Request AR Charge Signatures

This selection will turn off the requirement for AR Signatures when selecting Account Charge at the payment screen.