
Payment Types

The Payment Types selected within the following screen will determine the payment methods available within End Sale (F2) payment screen. Indicate the appropriate general ledger account within the field provided. If a value is not placed within this field, the system will automatically post a default value during the General Ledger release.

Cash / Check Asset Account

Enter the appropriate General Ledger account for Cash and Checks.


Check the "Checks" box to indicate that the store does accept checks as a payment type. If the "Check" payment type is not selected, the system will not display it within the available payment types. See End Sale.

Not Exceed Purchase

When posting a check payment, if the amount tendered is greater than the Amount Due, the system can generate a cash back amount for the customer. If your business policy does not allow the customer to write a check for more than the purchase amount, check this option.
If the "Not Exceed Purchase" option is selected and the check amount is greater than the invoice total, the following message will appear. Selecting OK and then re-entering the proper amount for the check will resolve the problem.
If the sales clerk indeed accepts a check for more than the purchase and overrides the system's controls, then the drawer reconciliation will show that cash is understated (short) and checks are overstated (over).

Get Phone/Driver Lic. on Check

Enabling this option will make a phone number and Driver License entry box appear when you select Check as the form of payment.

Select Check No.

The Check Payment option will go directly to the Check No. field instead of the check amount.

Electronic Check

Enabling this option will allow you to process checks via Telecheck


Choose the type of checks to accept: Personal, Business, Payroll, Government


Choose the type of checks to deposit: Personal, Business, Payroll, Government

Non-Cash Payment

Non-Cash payments are accepted if the box is checked.  Non-Cash payments are typically refers to notifications of payment via ACH or similar postings. Make sure to also select the GL Account if your are using General Ledger.

Mfg Coupons

Checking the "Manufacture Coupons" feature allows the customer to utilize a manufacturer's discount coupon as a form of payment. The balance of the invoice would be paid within the normal process of completing a sale. A manufacturer's coupon does not reduce the taxable value of the sale as a sale coupon; the original taxed amount stays the same. The manufacturer's coupon is considered a form of payment since the retailer will typically submit a reimbursement form to the manufacturer or distributor. Make sure to also select the GL Account if your are using General Ledger.

Visa, MasterCard, etc.

The check boxes where credit card companies are listed allows your store to allow or disallow certain credit cards from being accepted. If the check box is checked, that credit card company will be accepted as a form of payment. Note, you can assign a GL for each credit card brand as well. If not, a default value will be posted.

JDF Multi-use (not shown)

Selecting this will allow the use of John Deere Credit as a payment type. Further set up is required and if the additional set up information is not entered on the JDF Multi-use Company Setup page, there will be a red "incomplete" next to this payment option. Hovering your mouse over this will list what information has not been entered.

Capital One (Formerly Blue Tarp)

Selecting this will allow for Blue Tarp to be used as payment during a sale.


Merchant ID number for BlueTarp Online Processing.

Client Key

Client key generated by BlueTarp for Online Processing.


Position to store customers BlueTarp ID under the customs tab of customer file.

BT Token

Position to store customers BlueTarp Token under the customs tab of customer file.


This button will take you to the Customer Terms setup page.


This button will allow you to import the customer list from BlueTarp.


This button closes any open invoices for Blue Tarp customer terms and creates an export file. It also allows you to resubmit invoices based on a date range.

Credit Card Software

The system can be configured to accept credit card authorizations for POINT. POINT is not a product of TransActPOS and must be purchased separately. Each workstation must be configured individually in order to work with POINT
1. None - used if a stand alone unit is being used and not the integrated Verifone Point Software
2. Point Swipe/Manual - When Credit Card is selected, the option for Swipe, Manual, or Voice Auth will be presented.
3. Point Swipe Default - When Credit Card is selected, TransActPOS will automatically process the card (if customer needs to manually enter card info, the red X will need to be selected on the Credit Card Machine.

Only Get Authorization

This option is only available if one type of credit card is selected. It will ask the user to enter the authorization number on the back of the card. Generally this is a three digit number on the back under the magnetic strip.

Store Customer's Card

This option is only available for payments on account and rental contracts. Information on how the stored cards work is here.

Get Phone on Credit Card

This option requests the customer's phone number while processing the credit card.

Zipcode on Manual Entry

This option requests the customer's Zip Code on the MX while processing the credit card.

Only Credit Card taken No Prompting

Selecting this option will only process cards as credit.

Gift Card

Selecting this option will allow the usage of external gift cards from True Value or Do It Best.

Auto Submit to MX Unit

Selecting this option will automatically submit the invoice information to the MX Unit attached to the workstation, reducing a step on the cashier's part.

Voice Auth. No.

Enter the phone number for voice authorization. This number is obtained from your Processor.  It will then be displayed for the cashier if Voice Authorization is selected when Credit Card is chosen.  This is typically used if your internet is down to still be able to process and place a hold on funds from a customer's credit card.

No signature for Chipped cards

      This option will not require a signature for Credit Cards if they are chipped in the Credit Card Machine.

__ dollars and under no credit card signature

If the transaction total is under the set amount, no customer signature is required on credit card charges.

Gift Card Redemption Account

Set the GL Account for Gift Card Redemption

Credit Surcharge %

This is an additional module that can be added to allow the use of surcharges on Credit Cards only.  More information on surcharges can be found here

Card Surcharge Item

The system will create a new surcharge item to store the charge for the invoice. More information on surcharges can be found here

Utilize Donation Round Up

Checking this box will allow customer's to round up their total to the nearest dollar and apply the difference to a selected Donation Item

Donation Item

Select the item that the Donation Round up will use.