Main Tab

The Main tab of the sales order contains customer information, delivery information, and order balance information.
Main Tab

Sales Order Number

1. Sales Order Number
This displays the sales order number.  If the order has been edited, a revision letter is also displayed.

Order Date

2. Order Date
This displays the date the order was created.

Payment Terms

3. Payment Terms
This displays the payment terms, which are filled in per the terms in the customer's file.  Click the ... button to select different payment terms.
Main Tab

Customer Information

4. Customer Information
The customer's ID and name are shown.  You can change the customer prior to accepting any payments or shipping any items by clicking Change.  Clicking Info opens the AR customer file.
Checking Flag triggers a notification to the customer at Ring Sale that the sales order is ready for pickup.
 You can enter an overall PO number if all items are on the same PO.

Delivery Information

If the items are to be delivered, you can enter a delivery date and time and delivery note.  Checking Print Delivery Ticket prints a delivery ticket upon shipping items. 
You can automatically add a delivery charge to all sales orders by checking Require Delivery Charge on Quotes and Sales Orders in System | Company Setup | Sales Orders 1For more information on adding delivery charges, see How to Add a Delivery Charge.

Confidence Level

6. Confidence Level
This is used in the quote phase of a sales order to indicate a level of confidence in converting the quote to an order. For more information on confidence level and date, see Create Quote.

Sales Order Code

7. Sales Order Code
This is a user-defined field that can be used to group categorize sales orders and refine report results.  If Recurring is checked, the sales order is not closed and completed upon shipping.  When searching for an existing sales order, search results can be filtered for recurring sales orders.

Bill To/Ship To Address

The Bill To address is filled in from the customer file.  It can be edited as needed.
8. Bill To/Ship To Address
Check Ship To Same As Billing if the shipping address is the same as the billing address.  Otherwise, you can enter a shipping address.  If the sales order is applied to a job, the address listed for the job is filled in from the customer file.
Main Tab


9. Totals
This displays the total on the order, coupons that are applied, and the unpaid balance.


10. Balance
This displays the deposits/payments, unapplied deposits, open/unshipped items, and shipped.

Sales Representative

11. Sales Representative
The salesperson who created the sales order is displayed.  Click the ... button to select a different salesperson.


12. Job
This allows you to apply the sales order to a particular job.

Comments and Directions

13. Comments and Directions
You can enter additional comments or directions for delivery.


14. Contractor
This allows the customer to select a contractor with which to associate the sales order so that the contractor may make purchases on behalf of the customer.  The contractor must have an AR customer file and be designated as a contractor.  Clicking Select opens the Find Customer screen so you can search for the contractor.  Upon selecting a contractor, you are prompted to confirm or change the expiration date of the sales order.
The selected contractor's information is displayed on the sales order.
Clicking Select again allows you to select a different contractor or remove the contractor.
When a contractor purchases an item on the sales order through Ring Sale, sales orders containing that item that are associated with that contractor are listed at End Sale.  Click on the correct sales order, and click Select.
Upon completion of the sale, the sales order is closed with a status of Picked Up.
For more information on using contractor features, see Contractor Mode.


15. Options
The options tabs contain functions for manipulating sales orders and generating additional documents.  For more information on the Options tabs, see Options Tab 1 and Options Tab 2.