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Rent Units
Rent Units are rental items or merchandise items that are rented or sold when renting another rental item. They are added to a rental item's inventory file and are automatically imported into new rental contracts for the item.
To add a rent unit, click Rent Units at the bottom of the rental item inventory file. Select the Rental Items or Merchandise tab depending on what the rent unit is.
Rental Items
Rental items are added to a rental contract at no charge.
Enter a number of add-on rental components to be included with the rental item at no charge.
Enter the item ID in the Item Lookup field, and click Find Now. Select the correct item, click Select, and click Select on the following screen.
Enter the quantity to add to the rental item, the add-on price to be charged on the rental contract, and click OK. If the add-on price is left at the default value, the item's retail price is charged.
When creating a rental contract for an item with rent units, a series of rental add-on screens open for you to select rent units to add to the rental contract. Select the rental items to add to the contract, and click Next. If a maximum number of add-on rental components was indicated in the rental item inventory file, a note is displayed on the rental add-on screen.
If the number of rental add-on items exceeds the maximum number of add-on rental components indicated, a warning is displayed. Type YES to allow all the selected add-on items to be added, or press the Enter key to return to the rental add-on screen and change the selection.
Select the merchandise items to add to the contract, and click Finish.
The selected rental and merchandise add-ons are imported into the rental item and merchandise portions of the rental contract. Additional rental or merchandise items not included in the rental item inventory file may be added to the rental contract.