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3-Hour Cumulative Rate Configuration
Summary of the 3 Hour Cumulative Rate Table
The 3 Hour Cumulative Rate is assumes the following straight forward billing process of renting concrete dollies.
The major difference in the 3 Hour Cumulative Rate and the Standard Pricing table is the nature of the accumulation of rates and the value of the hours additional charge. As the table presents below, as each hour passes, the new hour rate is added to the Accumulated Total. The "Hour 3+" rate added to the Accumulated Total during hours 3 and beyond.
Per hour Rates
Accumulated Total
1 Minute Late Results
First Hour
Second Hour
Third Hour
Fourth Hour
Fifth Hour
Special Note Regarding Non-serialized and Serialized Rental Inventory
This example supports the use of the Serialized Rental item configuration.
Example: Concrete Trailer
A Serialized Rental item addresses unit specific rental issues regarding the availability of a specific rental unit.
Non-serialized rental item reservations do not address late returns or down for repair issues since a specific piece of equipment is cited within the rental contract.
A serialized rental item allows one of the rental units to be scheduled for a future scheduled rental since the serialized schedule of Concrete Trailers knows the total number of units that are available within the TransActPOS Rental Schedule. When the customer arrives to pick up the concrete trailer, the list of the current available units is presented allowing the user to select the specific Unit ID that will be picked up by the customer. If the unit is assigned to the customer, then customer connects to the unit, and then suddenly there is a problem with the trailer, the customer's contract can be changed to a different serialized concrete trailer. The problematic concrete trailer can be assigned to a service ticket that in-turn takes it out of the current available inventory of concrete trailers.