This page allows you to alter some of the default values in the fully integrated rental system.
Rental Rates Utilized (Required rates of all items)
The rates enabled here are the rates your store will use. Any rates that have a check next to them here MUST have a value on every rental item for that rental rate.
Hourly, 4 Hours, Day (8 Hrs), Over Night, 24 Hours, Weekend, Week, Month (4 Wks) and Holiday
3 Hour Cumulative Rate (Straight time no allowances)
With the TARepair > Update completed, the required database structures required for the 3 Hour Cumulative Rate are now present and the option is now available.
By definition "Cumulative" means increasing or increased in quantity, degree, or force by
successive additions. Within the context of TransActPOS and the Rental module, the following example clarifies the use of the
3 Hour Cumulative Rate.
3 Hour Cumulative Rate items are setup as Serialized Rental Items.
Per hour Rates
Accumulated Total
1 Minute Late
First Hour
Second Hour
Third Hour
Fourth Hour
Fifth Hour
Enabling this option will load the new rental calendar every time Rental is selected from the main menu.
Enabling this option will allow the use of the rental wizard that steps the user through the various screen to quickly create a reservation and rental contact.
Use Version 2 of Rental Wizard
Use Time Selection with 4 and 8 Hour Options
More information to come
Allow invalid rental times and stock levels
Checking this option allows you to have conflicts in rental times and stock levels of rental inventory.
I.D. required for rental (Drv. Lic., Other ID or Employed by)
Enabling this option requires the rental customer to show/have correct identification at the time of rental. This includes driver's license, other ID, or employed by ID.
Require all customer address information
Checking this option requires that the customer address information is complete when creating a rental contract.
Generate Service Ticket first for rental items (Required Service module)
With the TransActPOS Service Ticket module activated within the system, a Service Ticket will be created automatically when a Rental Contract is created.
Utilize Deposit process
Allow Cash
Allow Check (Returns Cash)
Allow Credit Card
Allow Debit Card