Types of Inventory

Item Type
Stock items allow the system to track the current on-hand and weighted average cost of an item.
The non-stock item does not track the on-hand value of an item and the cost of the item remains constant.  This item type is typically used for labor, shipping, and departmental sales.
If the TransActPOS Rental Module is installed, items may be assigned the "Rental" stock type. The Matrix for a rental item may be serialized or non-serialized.
TransActPOS addresses two different types of coupons.  The coupon type described within item type is a discount coupon.  Upon scanning this item during a sale, the system will reduce the price of the sale by the indicated amount in the Retail Price field.  Tax will be assessed as determined by this item’s tax status.
Selecting the item type of Kit allows the user to bundle additional items to one item that contains a layer of sub-components.  An example of this would be a toolbox, which contains the box, tools, and anything else that may be associated with that item.  
The inventory serialization feature provides the mechanism to track and sell inventory by assigned serial number.  TransActPOS includes the ability to attach items to a main serialized item as additional features and correctly determine the cost and price of the unit as a whole.
A variable cost item is an inventory item which has the Variable Costing option selected.
The Finance item type is reserved for the Finance Charge item
This new item type is used for fee items that are to be attached to other inventory items.