RentalThe Rental module integrates scheduling, rental of equipment in your inventory, and billing. You can create and maintain rental contracts, add associated merchandise, and automatically schedule service for rental equipment. It interfaces with the AR customer files and IC inventory files to seamlessly import item information and invoice customers.
The Rental module can be accessed through POS | Rental (Shift+F2) or through Options | Rental (Shift+F2).
The TransActPOS Rental module is a complete "rent and return" system. Being integrated into the TransActPOS product line, inventory, and customers records are handled within a single database saving you time and resources. The rental system defaults and settings are entered in System | Company Setup | Rental Manager Pg1, Rental Manager Pg2, Rental Manager Pg3, and Rental Manager Pg4.
The process of creating a rental contract is as follows:
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