General TabSpecific settings available for this workstation. Checking a box will confirm the presence of a workstation feature to TransActPOS.
![]() ConfirmConfirmation of Yes or No is required for deletions, changes, etc. in TransActPOS program modules.
Camera AttachedA WebCam is attached to the workstation and is available for use. With a webcam attached to the workstation, the additional image capturing features are available within AR | Customer file, IC | Inventory File, and Service Tickets. Selecting the camera icon will allow you to test the configuration of the camera.
Use Time ServerNormally, changing the Windows system clock will change the times accordingly in TransActPOS. If you designate a workstation to serve as the system clock, it doesn't matter what you set the Windows clock at, it will automatically update according to the time specified on the defined workstation. Search for and select anyone of the defined workstations. This will automatically sync this workstation's clock to the selected workstation's clock. This will make sure that the workstation's time matches the "server's time." Again, the "server" can be any other workstation. See this video for more information.
![]() ![]() Disable Auto NumLockThe Num-Lock key on the keyboard is disabled, leaving the numeric keypad permanently in its NumLock condition. This should be set especially when using a laptop computer.
Internet AccessInternet access is available from this workstation.
Display Map ButtonFlag to add Map button to Customer file.
Internet Credit CardThis allows the use of credit cards on the internet. If the Internet Access checkbox is unchecked, this option will be grayed out.
Hide Time ClockThe Time Clock button on the TransActPOS Main Menu is disable which will then not allow logging in and out from this workstation.
Show Item ImageItem images, when they are available, will be displayed on the screen at the appropriate times.
Foreground Memory / Background Memory
Not currently assigned.
PartSmart InterfaceThe PartSmart Interface is available from this workstation.
ProQuest InterfaceThe ProQuest Interface is available from this workstation.
PQ Client IDThe ProQuest Interface ID.
Customer Display PoleCustomer Display Pole is attached to this workstation. If selected, this will allow the configuration of a Display Pole which provides the customer with sales information during the transaction and messages during the idle time between transactions. Check out Logic Controls Display Pole Installation for more details.
OPOS Bed Scanner/ScaleOPOS Bed Scanner/Scale is available at this workstation.
Touch Screen InterfaceA touch screen interface is available at this workstation.
Programmable KeyboardA programmable keyboard is available at this workstation.
Extended Display
An extended display screen is attached to this workstation. The Extended Display option requires a second monitor to be attached to the workstation. The intent of the Extended Display is to present to the customer similar information that can be displayed on a "Display Pole" but in a larger format. The Extended Screen capabilities are dependent upon Microsoft Windows XP multiple monitor option. Consult your hardware vendor to enable this functionality. Workstations will require an additional monitor and video adapter.
![]() Below is a snap shot of the entire expanded desktop which is available from within Microsoft Windows.
![]() Once the Extended Display option is selected, the system will present the TransActPOS Extended Display screen on the desktop.
![]() To reposition the screen, right-click on the extended screen, and select "Yes" to the Reposition and Size form question. Next, reposition the screen to the desired position, typically on the extended desktop viewed by the customer. Once the extended screen has been repositioned, save the position by right clicking on the screen and selecting "Save".
![]() Information presented to the customer at the time of sale is below.
![]() At the end of the sale, a summary of the transaction is presented.
RFID SecurityUses RFID Security Card. More information to come.
Card ReaderCredit card reader is available at this workstation.
Signature PadA signature pad is available at this workstation. Select the appropriate signature pad from the pick list. After the Topaz Electronic Signature pad is installed, the workstation needs to be configured before it can recognize the unit. Simply select the Topaz HSB port and select the quality of the signature: Good, Better, Best.
Test Signature PadThe test signature pad allows the user to confirm proper functionality of the signature pad. Note: Follow the instructions for installation of the signature with the signature pad UNPLUGGED. Then make sure to plug in the signature pad after the installation is complete.
Cash Drawer
If a Cash Drawer is attached to the workstation, select the type of communications to properly configure the drawer.
After configuring your Watcher server to recognize the TransActPOS system, enter the assigned port number for the camera viewing the current workstation.