(c) Profile Systems Design Group, Inc. 2024 Build: 4.008.719 Help ID: 988
Form and Label Overview
The Form and Label Editor provides editing functions for invoice, labels, gift cards, and service tickets. Multiple invoice, label, and gift card forms can be created and assigned to individual workstations depending upon their local printer needs. The TransActPOS system supports a centrally shared form for Service tickets, Rental Contracts, Purchase Orders, and Customer Statements. These forms themselves can be modified, but their modification is shared between all workstations.
Desktop barcode printers include the Zebra LP2824, TLP2824, Zebra LP 2824, Zebra ZD410, Zebra ZD41, and Cognitive TPG Advantage DLXi.
Mobile barcode printers include the Zebra ZQ610 and Zebra ZQ611
Workstation Specific Forms
TransActPOS provides on-screen modification utilities for most forms and labels. Forms associated with Cash Sale, Check Validation, Account Charge, and Delivery Tickets can be workstation specific. This means that each workstation can have its own form layout due to a different installed printer.
Within the System | Workstation | Printing option, the Selected Form pick list designates the form that will print for the specified function for the current workstation.
System Forms
Associated with some printers within the System | Workstation | Options tab, you will only see a Modify Form button and not a Selected Form button. This indicates that this printer has a centralized form, not a workstation specific form. The reasoning behind this design is that most of these printers are shared departmental printers.