
Bench Fees/Deposits

Bench fees or deposits can be set up through the service grid to automatically apply to a service repair or estimate when a ticket is created, or a deposit can be added to a ticket at a later time.
To add a bench fee to the service grid, it must be set up as an inventory item in IC | Inventory File using the New Item Wizard.  Separate bench fees can be set up for different kinds of equipment to account for the time involved in inspecting them.
Bench Fees/Deposits

Item ID and Description

1. Item ID and Description
On the Item Description screen, the Item ID and Description fields must be completed.  No other fields on this screen are required.
Bench Fees/Deposits

Item Type and Matrix

1. Item Type and Matrix
On the Pricing Information screen, the item type should be set to non-stock and the matrix to none.


2. Price
This is the price of the bench fee or deposit. 
No other fields are required, and the item can be saved.
Once the item is created, the selling unit must be changed to a fee item.  Clicking Edit allows the selling unit to be changed.
Bench Fees/Deposits

Selling Unit

1. Selling Unit
Clicking the box next to Selling Unit opens the Unit of Measure Selector.  Change the measure in the Short field from Each to Fee.
Click Select and then Save on the item file to save the changes.
The bench fee can be added to a button on the service grid as an item.  For information on adding an item to a grid button, see Service Grid Overview.  When creating the service ticket, the button including the bench fee or deposit should be selected.
Bench Fees/Deposits
The service ticket can be completed as usual.  Upon saving the ticket, the Deposit for Service Ticket screen opens.  In Step 2, you only have the option to take a deposit from the customer when creating a new ticket.
The payment screen opens to complete the deposit.
After a ticket is created, the deposit can be adjusted.
Bench Fees/Deposits


1. Deposit
This shows any deposit that has already been made by the customer or returned to them.  Clicking the Deposit button opens the Deposit for Service Ticket screen and allows you to make customer deposit or to return a deposit to a customer.  When an amount is entered, either the deposit or return button in Step 2 can be selected, and you can proceed to the payment screen to complete the deposit.