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Quantity Pricing
Note: This is for a Single UOM. For Quantity Break Pricing for Different UOM, click here. For Quantity Break Pricing for Varying Cut Lengths, click here.
The CPM option of Col Qty or Mxt Qty on the General tab determines if the Column Prices or Qty Prices pricing is currently available. (Note: The box in System | Company Setup | Properties | POS Information 2 | Use Commodity Price Matrix must be checked to use the CPM options.) When the Edit button is selected and the Col Qty option has been selected, the Column Pricing information may be modified for the selected item. If the Mxt Qty has been selected, clicking on the Pricing tab and then Qty Prices will allow entering of Quantity Prices. (Note: Column Pricing is still available if the Mxt Qty is selected but switching from Mxt Qty to Col Qty will remove all Qty Prices entries for that item quantity type).
Selecting the Qty Prices button will display the list of the current Qty Break Prices. Highlighting one of the Qty Break Prices will display the reference numbers for the given Pricing. To edit one of the current price breaks, select the desired one and click on the Properties tab. Selecting a Qty Break Price in the list and clicking on the Delete button will remove the Qty Break Price. Click on the New button to add a Qty Break Price to the list.
On the Qty Break Prices menu, select a Sell Unit from the pick list for the item. The Print Alternate Price box allows for the Qty Break Price to be printed on the item label. (Note: A field for the Alternate Price variable ( cAltPrice ) must be provided using the System | Form/Label Editor | Labels program.) Enter the quantity break range by entering the Beg. Qty and End Qty amounts. Enter the price for the indicated range in the Per Unit field.
The last field is to indicate if the price Per Unit is a dollar value, a Percent Off from the retail price, or any defined IUP Code..