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Overview of Quantity Break Price for Different UOM
Note: The Quantity Break Price for Different UOM (Unit of Measure) deals with selling items by each, 6 pack, 18 pack, case, etc. Check out Quantity Pricing if selling within a single unit of measure but would like to vary the retail price based upon the quantity sold. Check out Quantity Break Pricing Cut Length to setup various price points for varying cut lengths.
The Quantity Price feature establishes price discounts based upon quantity purchased. As shown in the example below, the price of the product will vary for a specified purchase quantity.
The objective of this review is to setup an inventory item to be sold in the following units of measure:
a single 12oz beverage - EA
a 6-pack of 12oz beverages - 6PK
a 12-pack of 12oz beverages - 12PK - ( i.e. two 6-packs)
a 24-pack of 12oz beverages - 24PK - Case
The following table contains the details of the inventory setup:
The example below is a sample of the invoice created when a customer purchases a single unit, a 6-pack, and a 24-pack. Notice that as each of the items are invoiced, a different price is presented for each unit of measure.