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Do it Best Same Day Pickup MOCE Setup
To communicate with an eCommerce solution, setup is required which may include include additional fees and communication certificates. The TransActPOS Support staff will be happy to assist.
Overview - From Order to Payment
In a nutshell this is how the Do it Best MOCE eCommerce solution works with TransActPOS.
TransActPOS automatically updates the eCommerce site with information from items that have been indicated as a "Webstore item".
The store's retail price and current on-hand quantity is automatically updated at the website within a few minutes of any activity. If the price is changed, the inventory adjusted or the item is sold, the TransActPOS communications service automatically relays this information to the MOCE eCommerce website to be applied to the store eCommerce solution.
How are MOCE orders processed?
When orders are placed at the store's eCommerce store, the store is notified by MOCE to process the order.
The store staff collects the items indicated within the order.
With all of the items collected by the staff, the staff member returns to the MOCE interface and indicates that the order is "Ready for Pickup" at which time the following occur:
TransActPOS creates a Sales Order using the Do it Best Corporate customer. (All orders eCommerce orders are posted to the Do it Best Corporate customer.)
The Available On hand Inventory is sent to the MOCE eCommerce site. (Available On hand = On Hand Quantity - Allocations [aka Sales Order Quantity] )
After the customer picks up the order from the store, the store staff then returns to the MODE interface and updates the order status to "Order Picked Up".
The TransActPOS Sales Order is then automatically invoiced upon changing the status to "Order Picked Up" via the TransActPOS and MOCE communications process.
The invoice activity updates sales history and on-hand levels automatically like any other invoice activity within the store.
The on-hand activity is automatically updated to the eCommerce site within a few minutes.
The Do it Best Corporate Customer within TransActPOS will have the newly created invoice present within its listing of Open Invoices.
The balance of the invoice will reflect the Member Proceeds paid to the store by Do it Best based upon the eCommerce transaction agreement with the retail store.
The payment process to the store via the normal communications process indicating that payment of the MOCE invoice. The payment posting is made within the normal Payment Posting process and will use the Non-Cash payment with space provided to indicate the document number supporting posted payment.
The invoice amount is based upon the amount due to the store which has had fees reduced from the customer payment and posted as a non-taxed sale.
Setup of TransActPOS for use with MOCE
Setup requires establishing a customer account for Do it Best:
Customer should be set to "No Account Charge" to prevent it from use during normal sales.
Customer should be non-taxed.
Customer Information: 1 > Main
Check No Account Charge
Selecting "No Account Charge" restricts the creation of an account charge during the normal Ring Sale process. Within the context of the MOCE eCommerce process this Do it Best Corporate Customer is allowed to accept account charges.
Since the case of the MOCE eCommerce solution and the relationship to Do it Best, the Do it Best customer in TransActPOS will be non-taxed. The taxation of the customer invoice will be managed by MOCE and Do it Best, the "Merchant of Record".
Select the ellipse (...) to locate and select the Do it Best Corporate Customer
Use the ellipse to to locate and select the Do it Best Customer create specifically for the MOCE eCommerce solution in the above step.
Clicking the button to the right and presents the customer search form below. This is the customer account to which the Sales Orders and Invoices are posted.
The customer you selected should now appear below the checkbox.
Close out the form by selecting "OK" and return to the Main Menu.
The final step is to restart the Mercury application. The Mercury application is running on the server computer. Go to that computer and select the Mercury application. Then click on "Stop", then "Close" and then exit the application. The Mercury restarts by itself (this can take up to about 2 minutes).