IC Reports

The following reports are available within the Inventory Control Module.
On each report page, there will be a header before the information on the report. If the report on that page has the Data View ability, the header will display the following image:
If the report on that page has Drill Down functionality, the header will display the following image:
Click the links below to view information about the specific report details. The links have a brief description beside them to give you more information on it.
Item Listing  -  lists information for selected items
On-hand  -  a total value of inventory
Item Entry  -  items added to the system for a specified date range
As of Report  -  an inventory value as of the specified date
Item History  -  sales history of the items
Kit Listing  -  available kits present in the inventory system
Reorders  -  list all the orders for items selected
Adjustments  -  adjustments for the selected date range of a specific group of items
Physical Sheet  -  physical inventory worksheets
Price List  -  a listing of retail prices for a specified group of items
Duplicates  -   locates item numbers in the system that are the same
Label Queue  -  prints saved labels
Sales report  -  sales data based upon the specified date range in either a detail or summary format
Commissions  -  detailed, summary or consolidated report for commissions
Sales Tax  -  summarized view of the sales tax and non-taxed during the date range specified
Hot Items  -  determine the number of top selling items
Slow Items  -  determined by items that have not had sales since a specified date
Vendor Listing  -  report of the vendor information
Track Serial #  -  reporting all activities pertaining to a specific serialized inventory item
Out of Bounds  -  abnormalities within the current inventory
Returns Report  -  returns during the point of sale process for a specified date range
Item Ranking  -  sales ranking of items
Location Label  -  creates a label which can be placed at the ends of store aisles
Ghost Items  -  items that have been missed during a physical inventory
Sales Since  -  sales since a date and time
Vendor Parts  - listing of all or part of the items from a vendor
Other Prices  -  lists all the special, sales, quantity, etc. prices for items
Item Units  -  lists the defined units of class, code, stock and purchase related to an item
PDA Export  -  under development
Price Ending  -  list of selected class of items with a selected ending price
Serial Number -  list of serialized items
Price Changes - list of price changes
Single History - sales history of any item
Issued Items - inventory items that have been issued out