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An index to all the reports available in TransActPOS is provided to help in finding the appropriate report on the information desired. Click on the highlighted and underlined entry to display the help file on the selected report. A
Reports Index by Subject is also available.
Point of Sale
Reprinting of original invoices
Summary or detail report of all receipts by types and range of dates
Summary or detailed reports of sales by item types
Summary or detailed list of all types of invoices or account charges by customer id or salesperson
Summary of delivery tickets by dates or customer id
Workstation reconciliation report
Reprint of reconciliation by Z-Number
A select-able group of workstation reports
Sales tax summary and non-tax reports
A listing of all special transactions for the workstation
A listing of all Gift Card transactions
Layaway aging report
Listing of promotions for a range of dates
Sales by day or salesperson
All Paid-Outs by cashier and Z-Number
The amount and balance of each layaway by item number either by a single item or all items
Detail payments to outstanding invoices
Accounts Receivable
The Customer List report will provide a list of address information for the specified range of customers.
Listing of customer ID, date, name and the entering person name.
Customer account aging report
Point of sale transactions report.
Report on the account balance as of a set a date
Review a range of sales activities.
Summary report by inventory class for a given date range
Sales by zip code for items, salesperson or class
Sales Tax Summary Report and Non Taxed Sales Report
Customer invoices and credits
Copies of original invoices
Sales information to determine salesperson commission.
A group of reports are provided for a selected day
A condensed invoice detail report
A summary of sales by classes by the month
A summary of the delivery tickets
Details of the application of a payment to outstanding invoices
Report of payments on an account for a range of dates
Customer File
Provides a listing of invoices, credits, and payments
Lists the Gifts Given by the customer or the Gifts Received by the customer
Provides a detailed invoice report or a summary of invoices or items purchased by the customer
Displays all payments by the selected customer, only payments either made on the customer account or only cash purchases made with the customer’s account selected during the sale
Shows coupons used by the customer
Shows the same sales report as the IC
Sales Report , but for this specific customer
Sames as the Charge Inv. above
Lists all the past rental contracts, with detail, for the customer
Generates a general or specific list of item price discounts that are set for the customer
Displays all open invoices for the selected customer
Presents all the e-mails with date, time, and subject for the customer
Sales Orders
Allows you to create, modify, or lookup a Sales Order
The Detail Aging Report will provide a list of all open sales orders and amounts for four periods of time
The Summary Aging Report will list all open sales orders by date, amount and balance due
The Detail Listing Report will list all sales orders with item details for a selected period of time
The Summary Listing Report will list the sales orders with order date, tax amount and order amount for a selected period of time
The Simple List will list all sales orders, quotes and/or recurring orders with customer name, ID and comment
The Manager Simple List will report all sales orders, quotes, and/or recurring orders with order date, SO code, tax and order amount
The Detail Written Sales report will list all invoices and new orders with item details for a selected period of time
The Summary Written Sales report will list all invoices and new orders with totals for a selected period of time
The Deposits option will show all unapplied deposits in all of your sales orders.
Inventory Control
Lists information for selected items
A total value of inventory
Items added to the system for a specified date range
An inventory value as of the specified date
Sales history of the items
Available kits present in the inventory system
List all the orders for items selected
Adjustments for the selected date range of a specific group of items
Physical inventory worksheets
A listing of retail prices for a specified group of items
Locates item numbers in the system that are the same
prints saved labels
Sales data based upon the specified date range in either a detail or summary format
Detailed, summary or consolidated report for commissions
Summarized view of the sales tax and non-taxed during the date range specified
Determine the number of top selling items
Determined by items that have not had sales since a specified date
Report of the vendor information
Reporting all activities pertaining to a specific serialized inventory item
Abnormalities within the current inventory
Returns during the point of sale process for a specified date range
Sales ranking of items
Creates a label which can be placed at the ends of store aisles
Items that have been missed during a physical inventory
Sales since a date and time
Listing of all or part of the items from a vendor
Lists all the special, sales, quantity, etc. prices for items
Lists the defined units of class, code, stock and purchase related to an item
List of selected class of items with a selected ending price
List of serialized items
List of price changes
Sales history of any item
Item's Inventory File
All or selected inventory adjustments for this item
Report on the sales for only this item.
Will bring up the Sales Report screen
Report on the serial numbers for the selected item
Will report on price changes made on this item
Report of this item on layaways.
Report of this item on Sales Orders.
Report of this item on Purchase Orders
Report of this item on Service tickets
Purchase Orders
Listing of all types of Purchase Orders open or closed
All items entered as being received in inventory
Recommended list of items to be reordered
PO encumbrance report
EZ Marketing
Generation of e-mail lists by class and creation of postcards
Number of customers by zipcode
Service Tickets
Detailed or a summary list of service tickets for a period of time
Manufacturing warranty filings
Detailed or summary listing completed tickets
Service tickets labor times
Rental Equipment
Listing of rental items
Listing of rental prices and fees
Open or overdue rentals
Pickup or return schedule of rentals
Revenue and cost ratio of rental items
List of Rental customers
Daily GL postings for range of dates
Sales statistical report for a period of time
1-3-6-12 month sales comparisons
General Monthly Return on Investment Report
System schedule for daily and monthly reports
Manually run the scheduled reports
Setup reports that will be automatically be sent to you at designated times
Report on items listed within gift registries
Benjamin Moore sales report